Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Beautiful Young Lady from the Late 1800's and One from Jane Austen Era

Hi everyone, Welcome to you all.
    As my days have been full my blog is not!  Still working on party prep. The R.S.V.P.s are coming in and there will be family from out of state coming.Very fun. Also  neighbors who I haven't seen since the late 1960's.
 I know my mom will be so pleased.
    My sister said she was glad there are no weddings coming up!

Thank you for all your comments. Please know I cherish them all. Even when I do not reply you can be sure I have read them.

I feel in love with this sweet pretty young lady. She seems to be deep in thought. Maybe she was just utterly bored sitting for the artist! The dress is scrumptious. I would love to come across this in color.

And a young lady who appears to be from the early 1800's or Regency period. That hair! Use for ideas when wearing Jane Austen era clothing.
Enjoy and thank you for visiting, Louise

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